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What are Custom Attributes?

What are Custom Attributes in macOS?

In the world of macOS, custom attributes are a powerful feature that enables administrators to extend the management capabilities of their Mac environments. These attributes can be leveraged to track, configure, and manage various aspects of macOS devices in ways that are tailored to the specific needs of an organization. Let´s explore what custom attributes are, their benefits, and how they can be utilized in macOS management.

Understanding Custom Attributes

Custom attributes in macOS are essentially additional fields that can be created and assigned to devices within Intune. These fields can store information that is not natively included in the macOS management schema. For example, you might want to track specific inventory details, user preferences, or custom configuration settings that are unique to your organization’s requirements.

Examples of Custom Attributes

  1. Device Inventory Information: Track specific hardware components, such as the presence of certain peripherals or custom hardware configurations.

  2. User Preferences: Store user-specific settings that are required for customized application configurations.

  3. Security Compliance: Monitor and report on the status of security settings that are not covered by default macOS policies.

  4. Custom Configuration: Apply unique configurations or scripts based on the values of these custom attributes.

Benefits of Custom Attributes

Custom attributes provide several benefits that can enhance the management and deployment of macOS devices within an organization:

  1. Flexibility

Custom attributes offer a level of flexibility that allows IT administrators to tailor their management approach to the specific needs of their organization. By defining attributes that are relevant to their environment, administrators can capture and utilize data that would otherwise be inaccessible.

  1. Enhanced Reporting

With custom attributes, reporting becomes more comprehensive. Administrators can generate reports that include custom data points, providing deeper insights into the status and configuration of their macOS devices. This can be particularly useful for auditing and compliance purposes.

  1. Improved Automation

Custom attributes can be used in conjunction with automation tools to create dynamic workflows. For example, a script can be triggered based on the value of a custom attribute, allowing for automated configuration changes or updates. This can significantly reduce the manual effort required to manage large fleets of devices.

  1. Better User Experience

By leveraging custom attributes, administrators can ensure that users receive a more tailored and consistent experience. For instance, user-specific settings can be automatically applied based on custom attributes, ensuring that each user has the necessary configurations for their role.

Use your MDM solution’s reporting features to monitor the values of custom attributes and generate reports. This will help you track the status and compliance of your devices.


Custom attributes in macOS are a versatile and powerful feature that can significantly enhance the management capabilities of IT administrators. By providing the flexibility to track and utilize additional information, custom attributes enable more tailored, automated, and effective management of macOS devices. Whether you’re looking to improve reporting, automate workflows, or enhance the user experience, custom attributes offer a valuable toolset to meet your organization’s unique needs.

Embrace the power of custom attributes and take your macOS management to the next level!

If you have any questions or need further assistance with implementing custom attributes in your macOS environment, feel free to reach out in the comments below. Happy managing!