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  • PKG vs. Cloud Storage: PKGs are more secure than public cloud storage. Example: Deploying font files via PKG instead of downloading from a public URL.

  • No Exposed Secrets: PKGs eliminate the need for credentials in scripts. Example: Avoid scripts like curl -u username:password


  • Offline Deployment: PKGs work without internet post-download. Example: Deploying large video files that work immediately after installation.

  • Version Control: Use version numbers in PKG names. Example: CompanyWallpapers_v1.2.pkg

User Experience

  • Silent Installation: PKGs install without user interaction. Example: Deploying license files without interrupting user workflow.


  • Logging: Implement detailed logging in postinstall scripts. Example:
    Terminal window
    echo "$(date): Copying files to /Library/Company/" >> /var/log/company_deployment.log

Best Practices

  • Testing: Always test in a controlled environment first. Example: Deploy to a test group of 5-10 devices before full rollout.

  • File Organization: Structure content logically within the PKG. Example:

    ├── Fonts/
    ├── Wallpapers/
    └── Documents/
  • Incremental Updates: Design PKGs to support incremental updates. Example: Update only changed files instead of re-deploying the entire package.